Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Union Elementary
September 18, 2013

"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"

Welcome to the Union Elementary Wise Owl!  We hope that you enjoy this new way of learning what's going on at UES!

SCHOOL BOARD MEETING TONIGHT!  Come join us tonight in the Union Cafeteria to see students from Mrs. Pine's class present their  "This Is Me and What I Believe" projects!  There will also be a discussion on the future of Foreign Languages at Union, the possible move of the 5th grade to Main Street Middle School, and a presentation by Mr. Hennessey.  The meeting goes from 7:00 to 9:00.  We hope to see you there!

BRAIN BREAKS!  Check out this new Brain Break for grade's 3-5!  Try it yourself, and see if it makes your brain stronger!


PRACTICE FIRE DRILL!  By the end of September, Union Elementary will have both a "Clear the Halls" and a "Fire Drill" completed.  To make sure these go smoothly, we're going to have a "Fire Drill Practice" tomorrow morning at 9:00.  At the end of Morning Meeting, teachers and students will practice going to their safe spots when the alarm goes off.  When the real Fire Drill happens later in the month, we'll be ready!

OPEN HOUSE 2013!  Members of the Union Elementary Ed Leadership Team have met to plan the UES Open House on September 26!  Look for details about Open House this week.  It is our hope that we can make this event a fun and informative evening for the whole Montpelier community. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions! Please contact Mr. Hennessey at 225-8201 or with your ideas or questions.


The more you take, the more you leave behind.  What are they?

Tuesday's Riddle:  Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same.  Take away my last letter, I still sound the same.  Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same.  I am a five letter word.  What am I?  (Answer:  Empty!)

KID LINKS!  Have you checked out Kid Links on the UES website?  When you do, you'll see 48 links to educational resources and games for students in grades K to 5! Build your math skills, write poetry, or find out more about pumpkins! (See below!)

The Kid Links page can be found in the upper left of our web page, right next to the Wise Owl link. It's worth checking out!

Did You Know?

... that Mrs. Pierce raises alpacas and many other animals, including guinea keets?  As a matter of fact, Mrs. Pierce's guinea keets "flew the coop" yesterday!  Check in with her when you see her today to see if all of her guinea keets came home!  Are you wondering what a baby guinea keet looks like?  Take a look (they're pretty cute!):

Highlights From the First Three Weeks of the Wise Owl

First Day of School Highlights

Our first day of school was a huge success!  Wasn't it great to be back and finally see your teachers and friends?

Here are some great pictures of the day taken by Mrs. Frey:

CLASS OF 2013-14!

Buddy Exchange!

Check out the Buddy exchange happening in Miss Closter's class.  First and Fifth grade buddies spent some time drawing portraits and interviewing each other on Tuesday.
This get-to-know-you activity will lead to a connected writing piece.  Read more about it at Miss Closter's Blog.


Take a look a look at these great pictures from the First Grade last week (thanks, Mrs. Frey!):

How do we do this?
1)  Create a Shared Leadership Model for Union      Elementary
2)  Make Connections:  Promote a Culture of Growth and Improvement for All!

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