Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Union Elementary
September 12, 2013

"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"

Welcome to the Union Elementary Wise Owl!  We hope that you enjoy this new way of learning what's going on at UES!


Check out this update from Marlie and Sienna in Ms. Pine's class:  "Ms. Pine's 3rd grade class went to VCIL (Vermont Center for Independent Living) to pull weeds. It took three groups just to do one flower bed!   They are going to make raised beds and plant flowers in the spring. There were five groups, but it still took about an hour. We pulled weeds around the building and one group cut down some trees. They invited us in for a big snack. We learned that people with disabilities can do many things. We got pins and water bottles. It felt really good to help our community."

Well done, everybody!  Check out this space throughout the year to see what other classes are doing in the community!

Buddy Exchange!

Check out the Buddy exchange happening in Miss Closter's class.  First and Fifth grade buddies spent some time drawing portraits and interviewing each other on Tuesday.
This get-to-know-you activity will lead to a connected writing piece.  Read more about it at Miss Closter's Blog.


Picture Day is Thursday, September 26! Children will be coming home today with order forms for the pictures, and we ask that completed forms are returned to teachers no later than Wednesday, September 25. Thank you!


Members of the Union Elementary Ed Leadership Team will be meeting this week to plan the UES Open House on September 26! It is our hope that we can make this event a fun and informative evening for the whole Montpelier community. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions! Please contact Mr. Hennessey at 225-8201 or with your ideas or questions.


What has a tail, a head, and no body?  (Thanks to Owen Lathrop in Miss Geier's class for this riddle!  Does anyone else have any riddles?  The Riddle Master needs help!)  

Wednesday's Riddle:  Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughter's name?  (Answer:  If you answered Nunu, you're on the wrong track!  The fifth daughter is Mary!)

KID LINKS! Have you checked out Kid Links on the UES website? When you do, you'll see 48 links to educational resources and games for students in grades K to 5! Build your math skills, write poetry, or find out more about pumpkins! (See below!)

The Kid Links page can be found in the upper left of our web page, right next to the Wise Owl link. It's worth checking out!

Did You Know?

...that mosquitoes are known the world over for their itchy “bites," but they’re also known for spreading some of the world’s worst diseases, including malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, and dengue!  Yuck!

Check out this Kid Link to learn more about mosquitoes:

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