The Union Elementary
"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"
Welcome to the Union Elementary Wise Owl! We hope that you enjoy this new way of learning what's going on at UES!
C.A.R.E.S. in Action! Check out these great action photos of Ms. Kelley's students in Ms. Jennings' PE class last week! Great examples of teamwork and C.A.R.E.S. in action!
A Few Thoughts From Mr. Hennessey on Wednesday's Board Meeting... "As the new principal of Union, I found my first Board Meeting with all of you to be a very rich, positive, and rewarding experience! I was incredibly impressed with the civilized and respectful discourse on these substantive issues that will have real impact on all of our children. A move to MSMS for our fifth graders and the creation of a foreign language program are big issues with highly complex ramifications for all. We’re going to have to do our homework! As I said at the end of the evening, I have full confidence that our board, administrative team, faculty, and community will take this work seriously and do it well."
OPEN HOUSE 2013! Open House for grades 1 to 5 will be on the evening of this Thursday, September 26 from 6:15 to 7:15. Our Open House will be an opportunity for families to join their children in your classrooms and share their work with each other. Families will also have an opportunity to join their children in their Integrated Arts classes and meet Counselors and Special Educators throughout the evening. The evening will officially begin at 6:15, but families are welcome to come and go at any time within the 6:15 to 7:15 hour. Please contact Mr. Hennessey if you have any questions.
What three animals have keys?
Friday's riddle: What goes up when rain comes down? (Answer: an umbrella!)
Wednesday's riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? (Answer: footsteps!)
KID LINKS! Have you checked out Kid Links on the UES website? When you do, you'll see 48 links to educational resources and games for students in grades K to 5! Build your math skills, write poetry, or find out more about pumpkins! (See below!)
The Kid Links page can be found in the upper left of our web page, right next to the Wise Owl link. It's worth checking out!
... that you could listen to Poet Laureate Ken Nesbitt read his funny poems on the Kid Link Poetry4Kids? Check out the podcast of this funny poem here:
Wayne the Stegosaurus
Meet the stegosaurus, Wayne.
He doesn’t have the biggest brain.
He’s long and heavy, wide and tall,
but has a brain that’s extra small.
He’s not the brightest dinosaur.
He thinks that one plus one is four.
He can’t remember up from down.
He thinks the sky is chocolate brown.
He wears his bow tie on his tail
and likes to eat the daily mail.
When playing hide-and-seek he tries
to hide by covering his eyes.
He thinks that black is really white.
He’s sure the sun comes out at night.
He thinks that water grows on trees
and when it’s hot he starts to freeze.
He’s happy when he’s feeling ill.
He likes to dance by standing still.
And when it’s time to go to bed,
he puts bananas on his head.
He thinks his name is Bob, not Wayne,
but that’s what happens when your brain
(although you’re big and brave and spiny)
is very, very, very tiny.
–Kenn Nesbitt