Friday, October 25, 2013

Wise Owl: October 25

The Union Elementary
October 25, 2013

"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"

Welcome to the Union Elementary Wise Owl!  We hope that you enjoy this new way of learning what's going on at UES!

THE GENEROSITY OF THE MONTPELIER ROTARY:  Ed Rousse and Bill Miles of the Montpelier Rotary stopped by Union yesterday to deliver dictionaries and atlases to classes. Each 3rd grade student received a brand new dictionary, and each 5th grader is the proud owner of a new atlas!  All of the students had an opportunity to learn about the charitable works and good deeds of the Rotary around the world for the last sixty years.  Thanks to Bill and Ed for their generosity!

Mr. Rousse talks about the potential to learn 37,000 new words with Mrs. Beaupre's class

Mr. Rousse and Mr. Miles talk about the work of the Rotary while Ms. Kelley's students check out their new atlases

 ANTI-BULLYING ASSEMBLIES  Union Elementary gathered all students yesterday for an entertaining and informative assembly focusing on being Assertive to prevent bullying in our school.  Our K-2 students met in the big gym, and our 3-5 students met in the auditorium, and they all did a beautiful job!  Here are the oaths that we pledged together:

K-2 Oath
  • I promise to help put a stop to bullying behaviors by treating people kindly, including everyone when I play, and asking a grown-up for help if I see bullying behaviors at UES. Together we can help to prevent bullying behaviors!
3-5 Oath
  • I promise to help put a stop to bullying behaviors by treating others kindly, by expressing my feelings without hurting people’s bodies or feelings, by including my classmates in games that I play, and by letting an adult know if I see bullying behaviors at UES. Together we can help to prevent bullying behaviors!
Here is a link for the song the K-2 students sang together:


As we approach colder temperatures we are collecting gently used items for families and children.  We would appreciate any donations of winter gear in both children and adult sizes (jackets, snowpants, boots, hats, and gloves/mittens).  We could also use a few blankets to help out in the colder months.  

With colder temperatures also comes the very busy holiday season.  Our community has been struggling alongside the rest of our country during these hard economic times.  If your family, or another family you know of, could use some holiday assistance (regardless of what holiday is observed) please contact our School Social Worker, Erica Farnham at 225-8232 to get connected to services in place this time of year.  

HALLOWEEN AT UNION ELEMENTARY:   The faculty, staff, and I made a difficult decision last week:  we've decided that Halloween cannot be celebrated at school on October 31.  As much fun as it would be to celebrate with costumes and parties, we believe that such revelry would be simply too disruptive to the learning environment for an entire day.  Please help us maintain a healthy learning environment the following days as well; we ask that all candy remain at home.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call me or stop by.  


How do you fix a Jack O' Lantern?

Thursday's riddle:  What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars?  (Answer:  a Tyrannosaurus Wrecks!)

DID YOU KNOW?  ...that you can make a skeleton by simply gluing dried pasta to dark paper?  Check out this project along with some other fun crafts at the Enchanted Learning KidLink:

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