Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Union Elementary
October 1, 2013

"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"

Welcome to the Union Elementary Wise Owl!  We hope that you enjoy this new way of learning what's going on at UES!

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES  Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 15.  There will be no school for students those days.  There will be more information on scheduling appointments for the conferences later in the  week.

LIBRARY BOOK CHAT!  Check out these terrific pictures of a "book chat" in the library yesterday, where Ms. Parker's math FIT class finds various ways to quantify a million...


MATH PUZZLER!  Look for these puzzlers every day in the Owl!  How many can you solve?

Caroline owns a kennel with 4 pens to house the dogs. Today she has 9 pups. She puts them in the 4 pens in such a way that each pen holds an odd number of dogs. How are the pens arranged so that this is possible?


They come out at night without being called, and are lost in the day without being stolen.  What are they?

Monday's riddle:  What travels around the world, but stays in one spot?  (Answer:  a stamp!)

Did You Know?  ... that the year 2013 is written as CCXIII using Roman Numerals?  To learn more about Roman Numerals and other math skills your student will be learning at Union, check out this Kid Link:


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