September 12, 2017
"Have You Seen the Owl Today?"
I'd like to welcome you all to the second edition of the 2017-18 Wise Owl, and I'd like your feedback! The Owl will be updated every two to three weeks, and our goal is to make it an important source of information for the whole MPS community. This second edition is primarily news and information based, but look for more celebrations and fun in future editions. Again, I'd love to hear from you!
Some news and information that will be helpful to know as we get closer to fall!
UES Parents Group Meeting: TOMORROW, September 13, UES Cafeteria, 6:00
UES Snack Program Begins! Monday, September 18
Union Elementary Open House: Thursday, September 28
No School (In-Service Day): Friday, October 6
Kids Cup! Sunday, October 8
No School (Columbus Day): Monday, October 9
Picture Make Up Day: Thursday, October 19
Before We Get to the Info, However,... We had a wonderful opening for our Kindergarteners last week! Here are a few shots of the action:
UES Parents Group Co-Chair Heidi Groff and her daughter Ella greet Kinder parents with donuts and coffee. Thanks Heidi! |
Assistant Principal Mrs. Beaupre staying dry with some of our new Kinders |
Getting ready to line up just as the rains came! |
Mrs. Whalen leading her first line into class |
Walking School Bus! Our first week of the Walking School Bus was a big success, and it's our hope that these can continue each Wednesday morning right through the winter! For those new to Walking Wednesdays, here is how it works:
Children/families meet a UES staff person at one of three locations -- Shaw's with Mr. Hennessey or Ms. Parker (by the Red Box), the Capitol steps with Mrs. LaFleur or Mr. Williams, or the VCFA green with MJ or Nurse Sarah. At 8:00 sharp, the groups enjoy a vigorous walk to school together, meeting on the UES playground. The Walking School Bus Team hopes to have the Bus go right through the winter every Wednesday, and you are all welcome to join us -- these walks are a perfect way to start your day!
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Nurse Sarah and MJ with the College Green bus! |
Mr. Hennessey with the Red Box Crew! |
Kids Cup and Fall Festival Fundraiser for the Union Elementary School Parent’s Group to be held October 8 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
This year, the Union Elementary School Parents Group has a fundraising goal of at least $15,000 to support a variety of school-related activities, supplies, and appreciation that directly impact the classrooms, teachers and students.
For 2016-2017, the UES Parents Group met our goal of raising over $10,000! We made around $5,000 at this event alone last year. With the money raised we supported many classroom projects, programs and field trips that totaled over $10,000!
The Parents Group hosted key events at the school including two Scholastic Book Fairs, a Movie Night, Bingo & Ice Cream Social, a lighting set for the first annual Lip Synch Battle, a Teacher & Staff appreciation breakfast (including a monetary gift to every staff person in the building! A First!), entrance fees for museums and field trips including several transports by bus, STEM learning equipment, books, stools, dyslexia glasses, racism training and other school needs not included in the school budget. All proceeds raised by the USPG directly supported classroom programs, field trips, scholarships and teacher and staff appreciation gifts.
This year, we are holding the Second Annual Kids Cup and Fall Festival focusing on community, health, and fun. We hope you can join us on October 8, 2017, at 11:00 AM at Montpelier High School for this fun and exciting event!
Registration and Check in begins at 11:00 AM and the one mile fun run begins at 12:00 PM. This year the Main Street Middle School and Montpelier High School will be participating as well. Help us make this event a continued success!
The Kids' Cup is a 1 mile fun run along the Montpelier Bike Path. The Kids Cup event will begin and end at the Montpelier High School and the Montpelier 5K for older kids and grownups will commence at the High School track at 1:00 PM.
Then the fall festival begins! The Fall Festival will provide an opportunity for the community to participate in fun, games, music, and food. Tickets to use at the Fall Festival will be for sale at the event. We will be accepting credit cards and cash.
Please consider supporting this annual event. All the proceeds of this exciting event will directly impact the teachers, students and community of the Union Elementary School.
You will be receiving this week in your elementary child’s folder, a paper Fundraising Form, or, if you prefer, you can go online and submit your donation(s) and registration that way. If you do use the paper form, please turn it into Diana or Pam at the UES office with your donations (cash and checks) no later than October 4, 2017. Please visit the website to make donations and register at
Being Ready for the Rainy Weather Please do your best to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We strongly believe that every child needs to have adequate time to move and play outdoors daily, so we’ll be going out even if it’s chilly or there are sprinkles. Rain jackets and boots are a must! Generally speaking, we'll be going outside for recess unless there is thunder and lightning in the forecast or there is an absolute downpour. Everyone will have a better experience if they’re comfortable and prepared, so please bear this in mind as your child heads out to school each morning.
Paperwork Reminder The community has done an EXCELLENT job getting updated paperwork into the office. Thank you! We still have a few families who need to have clear and updated plans for after school turned in however. If we don't have a clear plan for your child each day, they will be staying with us in the office until we can get hold of you. No fun for anyone! Please have your updated after school plan in to your child's teacher no later than this Friday. Your teacher will be reaching out to you in the next few days. Thank you for your help with this!
Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture The Summit School is starting this week! If you want to register or have any questions about their offerings, please reach out to them directly using the contacts below. This fall's classes:
Summit After-School Music Classes - Fall 2017
Join the Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture for Session 1 of our after-school music classes at Union Elementary. We will be offering unique classes for different levels of World Music Chorus, African Drumming, 2 levels of Ukulele classes, Beginning Guitar, and Introduction to Fiddle!
For more information and to register, visit:
After-School Programs Coordinator, Dana Robinson, E-mail: / Phone: 802-793-3016
Session 1 - Begins Tuesday, September 12th
Ukulele with Teddy Pi (K - 2nd Grades)
7 Tuesdays - Sept 12th - Oct. 24th
2:45-3:30pm | Cost - $105
Discover the magic of the marvelous ukulele! A class for beginners.
Ukulele with Heidi Wilson (2nd - 4th Grades)
7 Tuesdays - Sept. 12th - Oct. 24th
2:45-3:30pm | Cost - $105
For kids who have some ukulele experience. Learn Chords, Songs, Melodies and Heidi's magical stories.
World Music Chorus with John Harrison (All Grades)
7 Tuesdays, September 12th - October 24th
3:40-4:30pm | Cost $105
Sing traditional songs and play musical games from around the world, as well as a few from right here at home.
Wednesdays (New Class!)
Introduction to the Violin with Emma Back (3rd & 4th Grades)
12 Wednesdays, Sept. 13th - Dec. 13th
(no class Nov. 1st) 2:45-3:30pm - Cost $180
Take your first steps in learning the fiddle. Balance the bow, and play your first tunes!
Inexpensive Violin rental available through Vermont Violins.
African Drumming with Jordan Mensah (All Grades)
7 Thursdays, September 14th - October 26th
2:45-3:30pm - Cost $105
Learn Traditional African Rhythms and Culture with master drummer Jordan Mensah
Intro to Guitar with Rich Colombo (3rd and 4th Grades)
7 Thursdays, September 15th - October 26th
3:40-4:30pm | Cost $105
We’ll have lots of fun learning our first chords, strums and singing folk, blues and traditional songs.
From the UES Parents Group:
Hello UES Parent Community:
We are holding the first meeting of the 2017-2018 school year this Wednesday evening in the UES cafeteria from 6:00-7:30 PM and YOU are invited!
We are holding the first meeting of the 2017-2018 school year this Wednesday evening in the UES cafeteria from 6:00-7:30 PM and YOU are invited!
As always, childcare will be provided by the remarkable Kristina Kane (art teacher extraordinaire). Thanks, Kristina!
This school year we plan on meeting the second Wednesday of each month in the school cafeteria from 6:00-7:30 PM. It is possible that not all future meetings will need the full one and one-half hours, but we felt it was prudent to schedule this time in case it is needed.
The AGENDA for the first meeting is as follows:
1. Introduction of group and the USPG: mission, projects and leadership (Heidi)
2. Treasury report (Heidi & Bianca)
3. 2017-2018 events and projected income,
Including sign ups (Heidi)
4. Discussion of budget and reserve issues (anticipated expenditures) (Heidi, Jill & Bianca)
5. UPP update
6. Pending funding commitments and pending requests not yet decided (Heidi)
7. Theresa Giffin retirement gift (Heidi)
8. Incorporation of Pre-K parents (Heidi)
9. Directory update (Jill)
10. Box tops (Tracy)
11. Lost and found (Heidi)
12. Future topics (Heidi)
Hope you can join us! Again, childcare will be provided by Mrs. Kane (thank you, Kristina!), so bring the kids with you!
Just a reminder that there is a Facebook page that has photos of our UES lost and found. These items live in the cafeteria. Check it out:
Parking Out Front Finally, a quick reminder about parking in front of the school at the beginning and end of the day...
If you need to be at UES for a meeting or to pick up/drop off your child, PLEASE do not park on the UES side of Park Avenue from 7:30 to 8:30 and from 2:00 to 3:00. (The sign below says 2:30 to 3:30 -- we will need a new sign!). This is the time our buses line up to drop off and pick up our students, so that side of Park Avenue needs to be totally clear for logistical and safety reasons. Thank you all for your cooperation!